The disabled often make impossible things possible. The life of a disabled person is a life full of hurdles and challenges. Every second is a challenge and a game which the differently able person has to win. It is a game with destiny, a game with abilities, a game with dreams and a game with hope. It is the life at its worst but often they do things which we are unable to do even though we do not have any abnormalities.

The disabled often make impossible things possible and we often feel the possible things impossible. They see a ray of hope in every misery and we see miseries every ray of hope. They overcome their disabilities and improve their abilities, but we do not even recognize our abilities in a proper manner. To sat though able are blessed we do not make the full use of the god’s gift given to us and they fight it out with their destiny every second in their life. It is the time that we have to learn a few lessons for them and salute all those unfortunate people who live life to the fullest despite their disabilities.
The Bottom Line:If you have the will, hunger to succeed and killer instinct by trusting your instincts no force in this universe can take you away from your goal. If we make the full use of the gifts given to us by the almighty we will literally astound ourselves and make our life a fruitful and successful.
Note: Friends don’t take it personally, this is the fact happening around us and some of our politicians are like this. It is true. No more comments. Bye......
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