"We are lucky friends":
Although the ravages of famines which decimated tens of thousands of lives are relegated to history, hunger still haunts millions of disposed homes and city streets across the “Indian Land”. State granaries are full, the economy is resurgent and many of the world’s wealthiest people are Indians. Yet, one in every two Indian children is unable to access enough food for their body and brain to develop to their full potential. Countries much poorer than India in our neighbourhood as well as in the poorest regions of Africa have fared far better in battling hunger and malnourishment.

Governments in India procure and distribute millions of tons of subsidized food, run feeding centers for children and feed a hundred and forty million students daily in schools. Yet, they fail to stem the wasting and misusing of resources thereby losing the spirit of millions of people. Officials’ surveys admit that in an entire decade, the percentage of malnourished children has reduced by just one percentage point, from 47 to 46 percent.
In a country which has both the resources and the food to end want among its entire people, the stubborn persistence of hunger and malnutrition amounts to a spectacular and culpable failure of governance. Today reports of starvation from many corners of the country are brushed away only with hot denials by public officials. They do nothing to alter the diminishing daily search for food through back breaking underpaid toil, debt bondage, and distress migration, foraging and begging which constitutes the realty of millions of our people. It is this that the law can change. This is the article I have recently read in the newspaper.
The Bottom Line:
So Friends I hope to see enacted a law which creates binding obligations on public officials to reach sufficient food to every resident of this vast land “India” and hold them gravely accountable for failures to do so. Instead, all that the draft bill prepared by the ministry. It should be a legal obligation jointly on the Central and the State governments to supply 25 kg of subsidized rice or wheat a month to families deemed by governments who are below “poverty line”. “After all Friends we are human beings and it is our duty on this planet “A man should survive the other when he is in need.”
i wanted to start new planing for BPL i unable to see our in trouble now im helpless but can do something before i die