Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010

- We need to continue the drive for an international treaty and do so with the renewed urgency.
- We need to take the argument back to skeptic and make the powerful, convincing, and necessary case about the climate change much clear to everyone.
- We should help people prevent and cope with flooding, environmental degradation, water depletion, and pollution.
- We should now work as hard as we can to build these up into more specific commitments over the coming months.
- The consequences of our negligence would hit our innocent descendants with full force.
- We can and must act urgently if we are to limit and eventually halt the impacts of climate change on human communities and natural eco systems.

Earth Day:
Forty years after the first Earth Day, the world is in greater peril than ever. While climate change is the greatest challenge of our time, it also presents the greatest opportunity – an unprecedented opportunity to build a healthy, prosperous, clean energy economy now and for the future.
Earth Day 2010 can be a turning point to advance climate policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy and green jobs. Earth Day Network is galvanizing millions who make personal commitments to sustainability. Earth Day 2010 is a pivotal opportunity for individuals, corporations and governments to join together and create a global green economy. Join the more than one billion people in 190 countries that are taking action for Earth Day.
I hope you will believe this and follow friends.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Recollect Your Memories:

Jogging boosts brain power:
The study led by Cambridge University showed that running triggered the growth of hundreds of thousands of new brain cells in a region that is linked to the formation and recollection of memories.
“We know exercise can be good for healthy brain function, but this work provides us with a mechanism for the effect,” the Telegraph quoted Timothy Bussey, a behavioral neuroscientist at Cambridge and the study’s senior author as telling the Guardian.
During the study, researchers followed two groups of mice, one of which had unlimited access to a running wheel throughout, whey they clocked up an average of 15 miles (24km) a day, while the other mice formed a control group.

The mice were placed in front of a computer screen, which displayed two identical squares side by side. According to the study, if they nudged the one on the left with their nose they received a sugar pellet reward. If they nudged the one on the right, they got nothing. They were then subjected to a memory test where the more they nudged the correct square, the better they scored.
The findings revealed that the running mice scored nearly twice as high as the control group during the memory test.
However, the greatest improvement occurred in the later stages of the experiment, when the two squares were so close they nearly touched.
“At this stage of the experiment, the two memories the mice are forming of the squares are very similar,” Bussey said.
“It is when they have to distinguish between the two that these new brain cells really make a difference,” he added.
The Bottom Line:
“Jogging boosts brain power”. These words are giving me relief friends. I think you can remember your 50 years old friend easily if you go for a jog daily. So from today start jogging and create wonders.
Monday, April 12, 2010
"Young Superheroes in a Hut":

Why is Africa poor? Is it a legacy of diseases and parasites? Or is it that local mammals, zebra and the African elephant, were difficult to domesticate and harness in agriculture?
There’s truth in each of these explanations. But a visit to Zimbabwe highlights perhaps the main reason: “Bad Governance.” The tyrannical, incompetent and corrupt rule of Zimbabwe’s President, Robert Mugabe, has turned one of the Africa’s most advanced countries into a shambles.
This was the article written by a journalist who had a trip across Africa. He says like this “In a village less than a day’s drive from Victoria falls, I stumbled across a hut that to me captured the country’s heart break and also its resilience and hope. The only people living in the hut are five children, orphans from two families. The children aged 8 to 17 moved in together after their four parents died of AIDS and other causes.
The head of the house was the oldest boy, Abel a gangly 10th grader with a perpetual grin. He has been in charge since he was 15. At one time, the two families reflected Zimbabwe’s relative prosperity. One mother was a business woman who travelled abroad regularly. One of the fathers was a soccer coach who named his son Diego Maradona. The household stirs to life each morning when Abel rises at 4 a.m and sets off on a nine mile hike to the nearest high school. He has no watch, so he judges the time from the sun, knowing that it will take three hours to reach school.

After Abel leaves for school, Diego Maradona, who is 11, wakes the three young children, feeds them cold cornmeal much left over from the previous night’s dinner, and walks with them to the elementary school which is few miles away. When Diego and young children return in the afternoon, they gather firewood, fetch water, tend the chickens and sometimes search for edible wild plants. Abel returns over by 7 p.m and cooks more cornmeal mush for dinner. He dispenses orders and affections, nurses the younger ones when they are sick, comforts them when they miss their parents, coaches them with their school work, and rules the household with tenderness and efficiency. His goal is to graduate from high school and become a policeman, because the job will provide a steady salary.
Westerners sometimes think that Africa’s problem is a lack of initiative or hard work. Nobody think that after talking to Abel and Diego or so many other Zimbabwean who display a resilience that left me inspired.”
Zimbabwe’s tragedy isn’t its people, but its leaders. It is telling that Africa’s greatest success story, Botswana is adjacent to one of its greatest failures. The difference is that for decades Botswana had been exceptionally well and honestly managed, and Zimbabwe pillaged.

The Bottom Line:
Friends let me tell you one thing, the total world population is 6,814,200,000 millions and African continent population is just 973 millions. Even if each and every individual give just a grain per day all the Africans can have a sumptuous feast. Is that true? Just imagine how our life would if we are in the same critical position. I know because i already imagined and its for you to imagine that. Come on Friends "Discover the joy in Helping."
Saturday, April 10, 2010
"Hungriest place on Earth"
Akobo, in the eastern region of Jonglei, is now the "hungriest place on earth," according to aid officials, after a new survey showed that 46% of children under five are malnourished - 15% severely so. The town's crumbling, bullet-scarred hospital is treating some of the most serious cases.
A dozen painfully thin children lay on beds, some in obvious distress as their mothers tried to feed them. The United Nations' senior humanitarian official in South Sudan called the malnutrition figures "astonishing… and extraordinary." The levels of malnutrition were three times higher than the standard UN threshold for an emergency.
"The situation is not good," said Bernadette Tata, a nurse in Akobo hospital. "But we can cope."
She also described a situation:
A few minutes earlier, a gaunt woman called Nadulchan had come into the hospital with her three-year-old son, Dwal.
She sat on a bed, trying to support his lolling head, as he appeared to drift out of consciousness.
"There's nothing to eat," she said quietly. "I lost two children in the fighting with the hunger. I pray I don't lose this one."
Hunger is a familiar enemy across much of this vast, impoverished and insecure region. The World Food Programme estimates that nearly half the population will need food aid at some point this year. The situation in Akobo is simply the most extreme example.
Makeshift shelters:
Save the Children, one of the organizations already working in Akobo, warned of the challenges ahead.
"This is a very testing year," conceded Goi Jooyul Yol, the commissioner of Akobo County, who was sent here in 2009 to tackle the crisis following a series of massacres.
He said he had only received about a tenth of his expected budget from the government, and warned that a continuation of the drought would be "unbearable and unthinkable."
The rule of law was not implemented. Hungry people will get a gun in order to get a cow to eat. It is a matter of survival."
On the dusty outskirts of Akobo, families remain camped in makeshift shelters, waiting for food aid, rain and the opportunity to return to their villages.
Nyadir Muon, 40, said her family had fled their homes a year ago when they were attacked by members of a rival community, who abducted their children and stole cattle.
The Bottom Line:
Friends let me tell you one thing, the total world population is 6,814,200,000 millions and African continent population is just 973 millions. Even if each and every individual give just a grain per day all the Africans can have a sumptuous feast. Is that not true?
Thursday, April 8, 2010
A true story of “Stanford University”:
One day a lady faded in gingham and her husband, dressed in a homespun threadbare suit, walked timidly without an appointment into the “Harvard University” president’s outer office. The secretary could tell in a moment that such country hicks had no business at “Harvard”. She frowned.
“We want to meet the president”, the man said softly. “He will be busy all the day”, the secretary snapped. “We will wait”, the lady replied.
For hours the secretary ignored them, hoping that the couple would finally become discouraged and go away. They didn’t. And the secretary grew frustrated and finally decided to disturb the president. “May be if they just see you for few minutes, they will leave”, she told him and he sighed in exasperation and nodded. Someone of his importance obviously didn’t have the time to spend with them. Stern faced with dignity, the president strutted towards the couple.

The lady told him, “We had a son who attended “Harvard” for one year. He loved Harvard and he was very happy here. But about a year ago, he was accidently killed. And my husband and I would like to erect a memorial to him, somewhere on he campus”. The president wasn’t touched, he was shocked.
“Madam”, he said gruffly, “we can’t put up a statue for everyone who attended Harvard and died. If we did, the place would look like a cemetery”. “Oh. No” the lady explained quickly, “we don’t want to erect a statue. We thought we would like to give a building to Harvard”.
The president rolled his eyes. He glanced at the gingham dress and homespun suit, and then exclaimed, “A building! Do you have any earthly idea how much a building costs? We have over seven and a half million dollars in the physical plant at Harvard”.
For a moment the lady was silent. The president was pleased. He could get rid of them now.
The lady turned to her husband and said quietly, “Is that all it costs to start a University? Why don’t we just start our own”? Her husband nodded. The president’s face wilted in confusion and bewilderment.
Mr and Mrs Leland Stanford walked away, travelling to “Palo Alto”. California, where they established the University that bears their name, a memorial to a son that Harvard no longer cared about!.
The Bottom Line:
Appearances can of course be deceptive, but most the time that is what we go by. “Is that not true?” "I feel it is absolutely true and people often make it. Be careful friends, don't fall in this trap. It is my humble request to you all".
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Its eBAY's Story Friends:

eBAY's Story:
“Ebay” started as an online company in September, 1995. It was created by “Mr. Pierre Omidyar”, who was a resident of “San Jose”. At first his site was named as the ‘Auction Web’ and it was intended to be an online marketing store and was one of the first websites of this kind in the world. Ebay was the domain name used by Omidyar for the site. His company was named as the “Echo Bay”, which comes from the domain used for his site. Echo Bay and the Ebay Auction Web was just one part of Echo Bay’s website at ebay.com. The first thing sold by the site was a broken laser point for $14.

The site quickly became massively popular, as sellers came to list all sorts of odd things and buyers actually bought them. Relying on trust seemed to work remarkably well, and meant that the site could almost be left alone to run itself. The site had been designed from the start to collect a small fee on each sale, and it was this money that Omidyar used to pay for Auction Web's expansion. The fees quickly added up to more than his current salary, and so he decided to quit his job and work on the site full-time. It was at this point, in 1996, which headed the feedback facilities, to let buyers and sellers rate each other and make buying and selling safer.

In 1997, Omidyar changed Auction Web's - and his company's - name to 'eBay', which is what people had been calling the site for a long time. He began to spend a lot of money on advertising, and had the eBay logo designed. It was in this year that the one-millionth item was sold (it was a toy version of Big Bird from Sesame Street).
Then, in 1998 -the peak of the dot com boom - eBay became big business, and the investment in Internet businesses at the time allowed it to bring in senior managers and business strategists, who took in public on the stock market. It started to encourage people to sell more than just collectibles, and quickly became massive site where you could sell anything, large or small. Unlike other sites, though, eBay survived the end of the boom, and is still going strong today.
1999 eBay has spread worldwide, launching sites in the UK, Australia and Germany. EBay bought half.com, an Amazon-like online retailer, in the year 2000 - the same year it introduced Buy it now - and bought PayPal, an online payment service, in 2002.
Pierre Omidyar has now earned an estimated $3 billion from eBay, and still serves as Chairman of the Board. Oddly enough, he keeps a personal web blog at http://pierre.typepad.com. There are now literally millions of items bought and sold every day on eBay, all over the world. For every $100 spent online worldwide, it is estimated that $14 is spent on eBay - that's a lot of laser pointers

The Bottom Line:
I think eBAY has practically proved that “An Idea can change our Life” because it had made Mr. Pierre Omidyar a billionaire. Friends why don’t we get these types of ideas? I have an answer for this – “Because we don’t use our brain to think” am I correct? “I think so, I am extremely sorry if I am wrong.”
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
For Love of water but not “Sick Water”:

Friends realize that we are just 1/4 but water is 3/4 of the world:
The United Nations reminded all countries on March 22, World Water Day, that humanity continues to impose a staggering burden on rivers, lakes, and deltas each year in the form of pollution. What the UN has highlighted in its report titled “Sick Water?” should stir the conscience of people everywhere. “Pollutants dumped in key water sources annually are estimated to weigh as much as the global population – which is close to seven billion people.”
“This disturbing truth should encourage everyone starting with national governments to do more to protect the broth of life.” The first step is to plug the sources of the millions of tonnes of sewage and industrial and agricultural waste that are pumped perennially into water ways and other fresh water reserves.

Action taken to improve water quality pays rich dividends – the UN Environment Programme and Habitat estimate the return to be between $3 and $34 for every dollar spent, depending upon the region and technology employed. Such investments are really important for India.
India’s response to pollution has been atrociously slow. In 2008, the country had the capacity to treat only about 18 percent of the sewage produced in cities and towns, and the increments since then have been insignificant. The rest of the sewage flows into water ways and lakes, contaminating ground water and spreading disease. The problem is linked to the national issue of insufficient of housing, sanitation, and sewage. The most infamous example of India’s failed attempts at river cleansing is that of the Ganga, which has over the millennia been revered as a holy water.

It is listed by the UN as severely polluted, with its basin receiving billions of liters of waste water every year. Clearly, governments are abdicating their responsibility towards citizens by allowing the positioning of meager and dwindling fresh water. Some are keen set up expensive desalination plans, without making a parallel affect to protect surface and ground water and recover waste water. The way forward is to enforce the well recognized “Polluted Pays” principle. Industries and municipal authorities should lead the clean up. When will rising India realize it must go all out to ensure clean water for its people?

The Bottom Line:
I am talking only about India because I knew it and it is my country. I think almost all the countries are suffering with the same problem. “Don’t be selfish friends, Please show some mercy towards water otherwise it will wipe you out of this beautiful world, because we are occupying just ¼ of the world, but it is covering 3/4 just realize it friends.”
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Google and its digital future:

Do we need it or not:
Google’s hopes of creating the world’s largest digital library remain uncertain after New York district court declared it needed more time to rule on this controversial project. Announced in 2004, the $200 million projects began by scanning and digitalizing the entire libraries of four major universities, including “Harvard” and “Oxford”, and the New York public library.
In written for permission to digitize these works and make excerpts available through its search engine, the libraries were promised a digital copies of books and journals. The case, which has implications not only for authors and publishers but also for anti-trust practices and copyright law, has been snagged in the legal quagmire since 2005.
The author’s guild and the association of American publishers filed a class action suit against “Google Inc”. For resorting to what they regarded as a massive copyright in infringement for commercial use. Google claimed that use of “snippets” and “excerpts” of copyrighted works were exempted under the principle of “fair use.”
The case assumed a wholly new dimension when authors, publishers and libraries entered into an agreement with Google in 2008 to put in a place in a business model to compensate the former for use of copyrighted work through Google’s digital platform.

The agreement included out-of-print works and “orphan works” (where copyright is unknown) for free previews. A revised agreement was filed in court the following years after the U.S justice department held that original agreement could be violation of anti-trust laws.
It would benefit all the final ruling strikes an equitable and fine balance – one that protects the rights of authors and publishers that addresses concerned about Google acquiring a monopoly over a vast digital library, and that does not hinder a possible revolution in public access to knowledge.
Under the terms of revised settlement, millions out-of-print works will be available to reaches and readers in a searchable online database. There can be little doubt that Google’s digital project that vastly improves public access to books. Some countries claim that the settlement violates the “Berne Convention” for protection of literary and artistic works. “France” is even preparing its own rival to Google’s book.

The Bottom Line:
Given such developments, the view that too much is to be decided by a settlement before a court has gained ground. What is really needed in a comprehensive legislative framework for book digitization. "I think it will be really useful to all of us and it is up to you, you can decide yours."
Friday, April 2, 2010
When hope is born anew:

Story Introduction:
When Samuel left his home that night, everything seemed to be going wrong. But a chance meeting on a hill far away and a story told, charges him with renewed hope. Read the story and understand what has happened on the hill.
Samuel was dejected. Everything he thought precious was gone. His parents were fighting again. Things were not too good at school. He seemed to be always in trouble. The thing was he just couldn’t think straight because all the time he was troubled.
He thought “May be I should just run away, and I can run away from all the problems. He packed few things and, in the dead of night, he crept out. It was a dark night, and Samuel was happy for that because he thought he could escape in the darkness. He walked and walked with no idea of where he was going.
He found himself climbing a hill. He was hungry, but he continued. Soon, he was on the top of the hill. He sat down and took out the bread he had packed. As he sat munching it and thinking about what he was to do, he heard a voice.
“What is the matter with you, son?”
The clouds had cleared and the moon was out. He saw an old man; his clothes were in tatters and seemed to be hanging on a rather thin frame. But his face was aglow with happiness. “What do you care?” answered Samuel rather uncharitably. “My troubles are aplenty and if you have a month’s time I can tell you all about it!”
The old man was not put out, but instead laughed. “I have seen many like you, my friend. They all find their way to this place. I don’t know how but they do. But a quite time spent here refreshes them. They always live with hope in their hearts.” “Hah! It’s easy for you to say this, old man. Look at you. You don’t have a care in the world. Do you wonder why?”
Samuel was getting interested now. He felt that the old man has some secret. “I live on this mountain. It is my mountain of hope. Do you know the history of this site?” Samuel could only shake his head in ignorance. “This is where my friend, my savior laid down his life for me.”
“I don’t understand. If he was your friend and savior, why would he have to die for you?” “He died so that I could live.” “Oh this is too confusing for me” shouted Samuel. “Be gone, you old man, with your stories and riddles.” But the old man refused to go. He sat there beside Samuel and started telling a story.

Story Begins:
“A long time ago, in a little town in Bethlehem was born a Messiah. He was Christ. He came into this world to save the people. But the people in authority could not accept his teachings. They found fault with his messages. They were threatened, you see. They decreed that he should die and one night with the help of one of his disciples called “Judas” they caught him. They beat him, whipped him, and spat upon him.”
“If he was your Messiah, your savior, why did he allow himself to be subjected to such treatment?”
“It was written that the son of God would come down to earth and suffer for our sins. He did this because he loved us. His only crime was that he loved his people. They made him carry the cross up this mountain and they crucified him.”
“A cross? But I thought only criminals were crucified!”
“Yes! They turned him like a criminal, but though he died on the cross he rose again.”
“How did that happen?”
“They hung him on the crass to die. And in the afternoon, a sudden darkness fell upon the land. And his spirit was taken. Later, one Joseph of Arimathea claimed his body and took it away to be buried. It was laid in a tomb and guards were placed there, so that the disciples would not take away the body. But on the third day, when Mary came to his grave she found that the stone that blocked the entrance had been moved and there was no one in the tomb. She felt a presence beside her, and thinking that it was the gardener asked him where their lord was. The answer they received was startling. They were told that their savior had risen. He was the risen lord.”
Thus he fell asleep after listening to the story and woke up in the morning with new hope. Then he remembered the previous night. He remembered the old man. He remembered the story. He looked around and there was no sign of anyone. Could it have been a dream? He shrugged and walked off. Whatever it was, it was good and that the story he had heard had given him reason to continue.
The Bottom Line:
How pity that he was punished and suffered on behalf of us. We are committing sins and he is being punished because of us. Imagine how beautiful the world would be if "Jesus" is still there and taking care of us.
Yet “India” has reached another milestone:

As a citizen of “India” I am very happy today. Today i.e. April 1, 2010 we have reached a historic milestone in our country’s struggle for children’s “right to education.” The constitution (86th Amendment) act, 2002, making elementary education a “Fundamental Right”, and its consequential legislation, the right of children to free and compulsory education (RTE) act, 2009, comes into force today. “The enforcement of this right represents a momentous step forward in our 100 year struggling for universalizing elementary education.
Over the years, the demand for children’s education has grown by leaps and bounds, everybody from the poorest of the poor to the well off, acknowledges the value of education in the overall development of children. The enforcement of the “Fundamental Right” to Education provides us a unique opportunity to mount a mission encompassing some unsolved discourses, to fulfill our goal of universal elementary education.

What is RTE Act?
The right to education goes beyond free and compulsory education to include Quality education for all. Quality is an integral part of the right to education. Making elementary education an entitlement for children in the 6-14 age group, the “Right of Children to free and compulsory education Act, 2009 will directly benefit close to one crore children who do not go to school at present. As per the Act, private educational institutions should reserve 25 percent seats for children from the weaker sections of the society.
The Centre and the States have agreed to share the financial burden in the ratio of 55:45, while the finance commission has given Rs.25,000 crore to the states for implementing the act. The centre has approved an outlay of Rs.15,000 crore for 2010-2011 for the purpose.

The Bottom Line:
The Act is not historic now; it will be historic when it is implemented perfectly. It is the duty of every citizen of “India” to enforce the Act. “Quality education comes only from Quality schools, infrastructure and “Trained Teachers”. As far as I concern only 50 percent of the teachers are well qualified “Mr. Kapil Sibal”. So it is our duty to take qualified teachers. “Mr. Sibal” you also said that it is a major task to bring some of the children to schools and retain them. “You know there are some children and parents who don’t even know what “Education” is and what is the purpose of it, we should take the initiative to bring awareness in them and it should become one of the clauses in the Act. I am ready for doing any kind of work to enforce this act in a proper manner and I request all the citizen of “India” to play an active role in this Act. Then we can see a prosperous “India”. Make sure that the funds to this educational rights is not misutilized.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Where is God?

A Beautiful short story:
Disciple: Where is God?
Guru: “Everywhere, in everyone and everything God is there.
Later, as the Disciple was going home, he saw an elephant charging towards him. “Get out of the way, get out of the way”, shouted the mahout, “he has gone mad!”
But the Disciple thought: “God is everywhere. He is in the elephant and he is in me. Would God attack God? No, therefore the elephant will not attack me.” He stood where he was. The elephant picked him up in his trunk and flung him aside. Fortunately, he landed in a haystack and was not too badly hurt. But he was terribly shaken and confused.
When the Guru and the other disciples came to help him and take him home, he said, “You said
God is in everything, but see what the elephant did to me?”

“It is true that God is in everything,” said his Guru. “He is in the elephant, but he is also in the mahout who kept telling you to get out of the way. Why didn’t you listen to him?”
The Bottom Line:
I read the story and liked this and that is the reason I am posting this, but one thing I learnt from this story is “Every observation should be keen and properly justified.”
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
The Shouting Men of Finland:

Creating a new art:
Take a group of men from the northern Finnish town of Oulu population 100,000 dresses them in dark suits with black ties made from the inner tubes of car tyres. “Mieskuoro Huutajat”, which literally means “Shouting Men Choir”, comprises a group of 30 men led by conductor “Petri Sirtio”, whose unique performance involves shouting out the words of a song in chorus instead of singing them. Long cardboards tubes are the only equipment used to provide special vocal effects.

“The Shouting Men of Finland” as the choir is popularly called, was founded in 1987 and has a large repertoire comprising not only Finnish patriotic songs but also foreign compositions like “The Star Spangled Banner” and the national anthems of various countries.
From the beginning, this new concept was recognized as a major breakthrough and an art form in its own right. Traditional singing choirs have given this choir their outer appearance and a basis for their expression. But this is as far as the analogy goes. When the choir find a song that pleases their temperament and warped sense of humour, the conductor starts dismantling it: the melody goes first and usually the text is also heavily trimmed. The remains are then cast into a completely new form; the complex rhytmic structure emphasises the essence of the text, or simply reflects the voices inside the human brain provoked by the language itself, music, urban or rural noise, or the blood circulation system.
The Bottom Line:
That is what I call as passion. Their unique musical performance, which is now recognized as a distinct art form, has captivated audiences across the globe. “Whatever we create it should be unique and should be admired by the world.”
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Its all the mind game:

The mental potential is limitless. There is really nothing to stop you from doing or being what you want. To begin with, it is really not a secret. The mind plays a vital role in shaping us, the way we are, the jobs we perform and allocate our time to. “Successful” people seem to have their time prioritized and somehow their schedules fit in every single thing they want to do. We need to give a complete 100 percent to what we want or to become.

Who’s a Winner?
A winner is someone who has put in the little bit extra. All of us have it to go 80 percent of the way. It is that last 20 percent that makes the difference between those who win and those who do not. That last 20 percent is really the toughest part, something like the tip of the pyramid.
Awareness is growing slowly. Slowly, the world is looking seriously at the “Vedas” for inspiration, where we find mind work works. Dan Brown’s latest book, “The lost symbol” resolves around thoughts and mind. Examples are quoted by masters of how diseases like cancer have been completely cured with only mind work. Problems that seemed insurmountable are resolved by sending the right message to your mind. Something that seemed loftier than the “Mount Everest” turns into a mere speed bump on the road of life. The mental imagery, meditation, and mind strategies can work wonders.

I will tell you an example, A physical test on athletes preparing to participate in the Olympics had them all wired up to machines. They were instructed to feel like they were in a practice session. The machine they were wired to record their muscle responses. Guess what the machine reported? That when the athletes imagine they were in a practice session, the muscle they would engage was actually fired up. It is without them doing a thing physically.
The Bottom Line:
The mental potential is limitless. There really is nothing to stop you from doing or being what you want by knowing deep within you that you can do it. “Friends not everybody wants to win Mr. Universe or Miss. Universe, so why to feel sad everybody is a winner.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
My appeal to all the "Indian Politicians" and also to the common man:

"We are lucky friends":
Although the ravages of famines which decimated tens of thousands of lives are relegated to history, hunger still haunts millions of disposed homes and city streets across the “Indian Land”. State granaries are full, the economy is resurgent and many of the world’s wealthiest people are Indians. Yet, one in every two Indian children is unable to access enough food for their body and brain to develop to their full potential. Countries much poorer than India in our neighbourhood as well as in the poorest regions of Africa have fared far better in battling hunger and malnourishment.

Governments in India procure and distribute millions of tons of subsidized food, run feeding centers for children and feed a hundred and forty million students daily in schools. Yet, they fail to stem the wasting and misusing of resources thereby losing the spirit of millions of people. Officials’ surveys admit that in an entire decade, the percentage of malnourished children has reduced by just one percentage point, from 47 to 46 percent.
In a country which has both the resources and the food to end want among its entire people, the stubborn persistence of hunger and malnutrition amounts to a spectacular and culpable failure of governance. Today reports of starvation from many corners of the country are brushed away only with hot denials by public officials. They do nothing to alter the diminishing daily search for food through back breaking underpaid toil, debt bondage, and distress migration, foraging and begging which constitutes the realty of millions of our people. It is this that the law can change. This is the article I have recently read in the newspaper.
The Bottom Line:
So Friends I hope to see enacted a law which creates binding obligations on public officials to reach sufficient food to every resident of this vast land “India” and hold them gravely accountable for failures to do so. Instead, all that the draft bill prepared by the ministry. It should be a legal obligation jointly on the Central and the State governments to supply 25 kg of subsidized rice or wheat a month to families deemed by governments who are below “poverty line”. “After all Friends we are human beings and it is our duty on this planet “A man should survive the other when he is in need.”
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Its Showtime !!!

The Earth Hour:
The Earth Hour started in the year 2007 in Sydney, Australia when 2.2 million homes and businesses turned their lights off for one hour to make their stand against climate change. Only a year later and Earth Hour had become a global sustainability movement with more than 50 million people across 35 countries participating. Global landmarks such as the, Sydney Harbor Bridge, The CN Tower in Toronto, The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, and Rome’s Coliseum, all stood in darkness, as symbols of hope for a cause that grows more urgent by the hour.
Over 4000 cities in 88 countries officially switched off to pledge their support for the planet, making Earth Hour 2009 the world’s largest global climate change initiative.

Earth Hour 2010 takes place on Saturday 27 March at 8.30pm (local time) and is a global call to action to every individual, every business and every community throughout the world. It is a call to stand up, to take responsibility, to get involved and lead the way towards a sustainable future. Iconic buildings and landmarks from Europe to Asia to the Americas will stand in darkness.
Earth Hour by WWF:

Earth Hour is organized by WWF. With almost 5 million supporters and a global network in over 100 countries, it’s one of the world’s largest and most respected independent conservation organizations. WWF’s mission is to stop the degradation of the Earth's natural environment and build a future where people live in harmony with nature.
Earth Hour has done a lot to raise awareness of climate change issues. But there’s more to it than switching off lights for one hour once a year. It’s all about giving people a voice on the future of our planet and working together to create a sustainable low carbon future for our planet.
New economic modeling indicates the world has just five years to initiate a low carbon industrial revolution before runaway climate change becomes almost inevitable. But it can be done, and the long term benefits will be enormous.
So now's the time to take a stand and give world leaders the mandate they need to make the right climate deal.
Earth Hour is set to be an historic moment on the climate landscape, a moment of unprecedented global unity that will show the world a resolution to the threat of global warming is possible through collective action.

This is from the official website "www.earthhour.org"
The Bottom Line:
People across the world from all walks of life will turn off their lights and join together in celebration and contemplation of the one thing we all have in common – our planet “Earth”. So are you doing it? Give your support by commenting on my blog.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Driving all around with Passion..No matter what it is, What's Next Ms.Spotz?

“Katie Spotz” completed her mission, becoming the youngest person to row an entire ocean solo and the first American to row a boat without any help from mainland to mainland. After 70 days 5 hours 22 minutes in the Atlantic she arrived in Georgetown, Guyana, in South America.
Ms. Spotz said “You are in a situation that you can’t escape, so you really have to dig deep”, who left on January 3, 2010 from Dakar, Senegal, on the west coast of Africa. Her 4,534-km journey raised more than $70,000 for the “Blue Planet Run Foundation” which finances drinking water projects around the world. Ms. Spotz when approached Cayenne, French Guiana, the wind and currents grew so strong that she would have needed a tow for the last few miles. Sam Williams, who rowed the Atlantic in 2008 communicated with Ms. Spotz via satellite phone during trip.

Ms. Spotz had packed enough food to last 110 days: half a million calories worth of mostly freeze-dried meals, granola and dried fruits. Her crossing took much less time because she had help from the trade currents, and was fortunate not to face any major weather or technical problems. "It was a frightening ride, though the boat was built to withstand hurricanes and 50-foot waves , said “Phil Morrison”, the British yacht builder who designed it.

Ms. Spotz grew up in Mentor, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland. Her career as endurance athlete began when she ran her first marathon at age 18. Later she cycled across the united states and became the first person to swim the length of Allegheny River.
The Bottom Line:
That should be the passion, "Hats of to Ms. Spotz" because she has done it for a cause. I am still thinking in my mind how Ms. Spotz spent those 70 days lonely. Can any one try like her? It is impossible because "Lonely is the greatest enemy". My part is over bye.... friends
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Cartoons Creates Characters...Seven decades of "Funny" existence:

The famous cartoon Tom and Jerry has held the audience, young and old alike, and it spellbound for over 70 years.
Some never grow old, some never grow up. But how many can be as endearing as they were on “Day One”. Millions of kids across the globe swear that this Tom and Jerry couple continues to charm day after day.

Thanks to the conviction that “William Hanna” and “Joseph Barbera “had in the universal appeal of their “cat and mouse” idea. Hanna and Brabera also created popular cartoons like Yogi Bear, Flintstones , and Scooby-Dod. Precisely because was old stuff they felt that the plot would be understood in any country even without dialogues and so began the unstoppable chase of “Tom and Jerry” with their debut short film “Puss gets the Boot” on February 10th 1940. With music by “Scott Bradley” this one reel animated cartoon released by “Metro Goldwyn Mayer” was nominated for the Oscar. In this the cat name is “jasper” and though the mouse was unnamed in the movie, Jinx is its official name. Good response to this paved way for many more. Little wonder that the series attracted seven Oscar awards, several academy awards and “Times” magazine (2000) praise for being one of the greatest television shows of all the time.