"Good Friday" wishes to my friends all over the world, as a gift of "Good Friday" a small story for you:

Story Introduction:
When Samuel left his home that night, everything seemed to be going wrong. But a chance meeting on a hill far away and a story told, charges him with renewed hope. Read the story and understand what has happened on the hill.
Samuel was dejected. Everything he thought precious was gone. His parents were fighting again. Things were not too good at school. He seemed to be always in trouble. The thing was he just couldn’t think straight because all the time he was troubled.
He thought “May be I should just run away, and I can run away from all the problems. He packed few things and, in the dead of night, he crept out. It was a dark night, and Samuel was happy for that because he thought he could escape in the darkness. He walked and walked with no idea of where he was going.
He found himself climbing a hill. He was hungry, but he continued. Soon, he was on the top of the hill. He sat down and took out the bread he had packed. As he sat munching it and thinking about what he was to do, he heard a voice.
“What is the matter with you, son?”
The clouds had cleared and the moon was out. He saw an old man; his clothes were in tatters and seemed to be hanging on a rather thin frame. But his face was aglow with happiness. “What do you care?” answered Samuel rather uncharitably. “My troubles are aplenty and if you have a month’s time I can tell you all about it!”
The old man was not put out, but instead laughed. “I have seen many like you, my friend. They all find their way to this place. I don’t know how but they do. But a quite time spent here refreshes them. They always live with hope in their hearts.” “Hah! It’s easy for you to say this, old man. Look at you. You don’t have a care in the world. Do you wonder why?”
Samuel was getting interested now. He felt that the old man has some secret. “I live on this mountain. It is my mountain of hope. Do you know the history of this site?” Samuel could only shake his head in ignorance. “This is where my friend, my savior laid down his life for me.”
“I don’t understand. If he was your friend and savior, why would he have to die for you?” “He died so that I could live.” “Oh this is too confusing for me” shouted Samuel. “Be gone, you old man, with your stories and riddles.” But the old man refused to go. He sat there beside Samuel and started telling a story.

Story Begins:
“A long time ago, in a little town in Bethlehem was born a Messiah. He was Christ. He came into this world to save the people. But the people in authority could not accept his teachings. They found fault with his messages. They were threatened, you see. They decreed that he should die and one night with the help of one of his disciples called “Judas” they caught him. They beat him, whipped him, and spat upon him.”
“If he was your Messiah, your savior, why did he allow himself to be subjected to such treatment?”
“It was written that the son of God would come down to earth and suffer for our sins. He did this because he loved us. His only crime was that he loved his people. They made him carry the cross up this mountain and they crucified him.”
“A cross? But I thought only criminals were crucified!”
“Yes! They turned him like a criminal, but though he died on the cross he rose again.”
“How did that happen?”
“They hung him on the crass to die. And in the afternoon, a sudden darkness fell upon the land. And his spirit was taken. Later, one Joseph of Arimathea claimed his body and took it away to be buried. It was laid in a tomb and guards were placed there, so that the disciples would not take away the body. But on the third day, when Mary came to his grave she found that the stone that blocked the entrance had been moved and there was no one in the tomb. She felt a presence beside her, and thinking that it was the gardener asked him where their lord was. The answer they received was startling. They were told that their savior had risen. He was the risen lord.”
Thus he fell asleep after listening to the story and woke up in the morning with new hope. Then he remembered the previous night. He remembered the old man. He remembered the story. He looked around and there was no sign of anyone. Could it have been a dream? He shrugged and walked off. Whatever it was, it was good and that the story he had heard had given him reason to continue.
The Bottom Line:
How pity that he was punished and suffered on behalf of us. We are committing sins and he is being punished because of us. Imagine how beautiful the world would be if "Jesus" is still there and taking care of us.

Story Introduction:
When Samuel left his home that night, everything seemed to be going wrong. But a chance meeting on a hill far away and a story told, charges him with renewed hope. Read the story and understand what has happened on the hill.
Samuel was dejected. Everything he thought precious was gone. His parents were fighting again. Things were not too good at school. He seemed to be always in trouble. The thing was he just couldn’t think straight because all the time he was troubled.
He thought “May be I should just run away, and I can run away from all the problems. He packed few things and, in the dead of night, he crept out. It was a dark night, and Samuel was happy for that because he thought he could escape in the darkness. He walked and walked with no idea of where he was going.
He found himself climbing a hill. He was hungry, but he continued. Soon, he was on the top of the hill. He sat down and took out the bread he had packed. As he sat munching it and thinking about what he was to do, he heard a voice.
“What is the matter with you, son?”
The clouds had cleared and the moon was out. He saw an old man; his clothes were in tatters and seemed to be hanging on a rather thin frame. But his face was aglow with happiness. “What do you care?” answered Samuel rather uncharitably. “My troubles are aplenty and if you have a month’s time I can tell you all about it!”
The old man was not put out, but instead laughed. “I have seen many like you, my friend. They all find their way to this place. I don’t know how but they do. But a quite time spent here refreshes them. They always live with hope in their hearts.” “Hah! It’s easy for you to say this, old man. Look at you. You don’t have a care in the world. Do you wonder why?”
Samuel was getting interested now. He felt that the old man has some secret. “I live on this mountain. It is my mountain of hope. Do you know the history of this site?” Samuel could only shake his head in ignorance. “This is where my friend, my savior laid down his life for me.”
“I don’t understand. If he was your friend and savior, why would he have to die for you?” “He died so that I could live.” “Oh this is too confusing for me” shouted Samuel. “Be gone, you old man, with your stories and riddles.” But the old man refused to go. He sat there beside Samuel and started telling a story.

Story Begins:
“A long time ago, in a little town in Bethlehem was born a Messiah. He was Christ. He came into this world to save the people. But the people in authority could not accept his teachings. They found fault with his messages. They were threatened, you see. They decreed that he should die and one night with the help of one of his disciples called “Judas” they caught him. They beat him, whipped him, and spat upon him.”
“If he was your Messiah, your savior, why did he allow himself to be subjected to such treatment?”
“It was written that the son of God would come down to earth and suffer for our sins. He did this because he loved us. His only crime was that he loved his people. They made him carry the cross up this mountain and they crucified him.”
“A cross? But I thought only criminals were crucified!”
“Yes! They turned him like a criminal, but though he died on the cross he rose again.”
“How did that happen?”
“They hung him on the crass to die. And in the afternoon, a sudden darkness fell upon the land. And his spirit was taken. Later, one Joseph of Arimathea claimed his body and took it away to be buried. It was laid in a tomb and guards were placed there, so that the disciples would not take away the body. But on the third day, when Mary came to his grave she found that the stone that blocked the entrance had been moved and there was no one in the tomb. She felt a presence beside her, and thinking that it was the gardener asked him where their lord was. The answer they received was startling. They were told that their savior had risen. He was the risen lord.”
Thus he fell asleep after listening to the story and woke up in the morning with new hope. Then he remembered the previous night. He remembered the old man. He remembered the story. He looked around and there was no sign of anyone. Could it have been a dream? He shrugged and walked off. Whatever it was, it was good and that the story he had heard had given him reason to continue.
The Bottom Line:
How pity that he was punished and suffered on behalf of us. We are committing sins and he is being punished because of us. Imagine how beautiful the world would be if "Jesus" is still there and taking care of us.
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