As a citizen of “India” I am very happy today. Today i.e. April 1, 2010 we have reached a historic milestone in our country’s struggle for children’s “right to education.” The constitution (86th Amendment) act, 2002, making elementary education a “Fundamental Right”, and its consequential legislation, the right of children to free and compulsory education (RTE) act, 2009, comes into force today. “The enforcement of this right represents a momentous step forward in our 100 year struggling for universalizing elementary education.
Over the years, the demand for children’s education has grown by leaps and bounds, everybody from the poorest of the poor to the well off, acknowledges the value of education in the overall development of children. The enforcement of the “Fundamental Right” to Education provides us a unique opportunity to mount a mission encompassing some unsolved discourses, to fulfill our goal of universal elementary education.

What is RTE Act?
The right to education goes beyond free and compulsory education to include Quality education for all. Quality is an integral part of the right to education. Making elementary education an entitlement for children in the 6-14 age group, the “Right of Children to free and compulsory education Act, 2009 will directly benefit close to one crore children who do not go to school at present. As per the Act, private educational institutions should reserve 25 percent seats for children from the weaker sections of the society.
The Centre and the States have agreed to share the financial burden in the ratio of 55:45, while the finance commission has given Rs.25,000 crore to the states for implementing the act. The centre has approved an outlay of Rs.15,000 crore for 2010-2011 for the purpose.

The Bottom Line:
The Act is not historic now; it will be historic when it is implemented perfectly. It is the duty of every citizen of “India” to enforce the Act. “Quality education comes only from Quality schools, infrastructure and “Trained Teachers”. As far as I concern only 50 percent of the teachers are well qualified “Mr. Kapil Sibal”. So it is our duty to take qualified teachers. “Mr. Sibal” you also said that it is a major task to bring some of the children to schools and retain them. “You know there are some children and parents who don’t even know what “Education” is and what is the purpose of it, we should take the initiative to bring awareness in them and it should become one of the clauses in the Act. I am ready for doing any kind of work to enforce this act in a proper manner and I request all the citizen of “India” to play an active role in this Act. Then we can see a prosperous “India”. Make sure that the funds to this educational rights is not misutilized.
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